#11944 unable to create buildroot overrides for epel9
Opened 4 months ago by decathorpe. Modified 4 months ago

  • Describe the issue

Attempting to crate a buildroot override for an epel9 build raises an error message:

Override : Unable to save buildroot override: Package rust-pico-args not in list for epel9-next-override

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

Not urgent, just annoying for now.

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)


  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?

No buildroot overrides in epel9.

I recently enabled epel9 builds submitted as buildroot overrides to be overrides also for epel9-next.

The returned error doesn't seem to come from Bodhi, maybe Koji needs to be adjusted for allowing epel9 builds to be tagged in epel9-next-override?

When we implemented EPEL 9 Next, many parts of it mirrored EPEL 9. For example, we set up epel9-next-override to inherit from epel9-next, similar to how epel9-override inherits from epel9.

└── epel9-next

└── epel9

The epel9 and epel9-next tags do not currently inherit from each other, so they have separate allowed package lists.

$ koji list-pkgs --quiet --tag epel9 | wc -l
$ koji list-pkgs --quiet --tag epel9-next | wc -l

I believe these are generated from the branches present in dist-git. The package in question only has an epel9 branch, and thus is only allowed in the epel9 tag.

$ koji list-pkgs --quiet --package rust-pico-args | grep epel9
rust-pico-args          epel9                                    jistone

Compare this to a package that has both an epel9 and an epel9-next branch.

$ koji list-pkgs --quiet --package kf5 | grep epel9
kf5                     epel9                                    rdieter
kf5                     epel9-next                               rdieter

So for a quick work-around, the maintainer can request an epel9-next branch, which should get the package into the proper package list and allow the the override to be created.

For a longer term fix, i.e. for this to just work as intended with the changes in fedora-infra/bodhi#4737, I think what we can do is remove the package list from the epel9-next tag and have it inherit from epel9 instead.

└── epel9-next
    └── epel9

└── epel9

Can anyone point out a reason this structure wouldn't work? While discussing this in the releng matrix channel a concern was raised that it might cause all epel9 packages to get pulled into the epel9-next compose, which we don't want, but after thinking about it I don't think this will be the case. epel9-testing inherits from epel9, and the epel9-testing composes are just the packages tagged for epel9-testing, not everything from the tag inheritance.

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: high-trouble, low-gain, ops

4 months ago

Would it be possible to revert the bodhi change until the stuff is figured out on the koji side?

That will make buildroot overrides for epel9 less useful - but exactly as useful as before they were broken entirely by bodhi v8.

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