#12032 The aarch64 minimal synced to the wrong location for releases
Opened 3 months ago by pbrobinson. Modified 2 months ago

  • Describe the issue

The minimal image is a primary artifact so should be synced to primary, this is the case on nightlies. For releases it's synced to fedora-secondary. It should be synced to primary, I think the sync-release script wasn't updated when that changed. It would be worth ensuring all the sync release artifacts go to the same locations as the nightlies.

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)
    For F-40 Beta.

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    People have complained they can't always find arm artifacts, I meant to file this ages ago but forgot :(

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

3 months ago

ok, so that should be:

mkdir /pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/40_Beta/Spins/aarch64
mv /pub/fedora-secondary/releases/test/40_Beta/Spins/aarch64/Fedora-Minimal-40_Beta-1.10.aarch64.raw.xz /pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/40_Beta/Spins/aarch64/Fedora-Minimal-40_Beta-1.10.aarch64.raw.xz
mv /pub/fedora-secondary/releases/test/40_Beta/Spins/aarch64/Fedora-Spins-images-40_Beta-1.10-aarch64-CHECKSUM /pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/40_Beta/Spins/aarch64/Fedora-Spins-images-40_Beta-1.10-aarch64-CHECKSUM


and @jnsamyak we need to adjust the SOP to put this one in the main repo instead of secondary.

We discussed this in our releng weekly call today, where we see one more option for fixing this which is to move the entire directory to the main repo; so it will mitigate the complexity of choosing the images every time, but this open for discussion/suggestions?

cc: @pbrobinson @kevin

Looping in @adamwill and @darknao , because these changes are gonna probably affect both for fedfind and websites respectively.

Yeah, I think moving the entire directoy is the way to go. ;)

Any thoughts from anyone on that?

We will need to adjust the script that syncs the release.
I don't know if there need to be websites or fedfind changes.

I am fine with moving it all.

I'm fine with it too. That requires a small change on the website but I'll take care of it on release day.

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