#1368 Please untag vavoom-1.29-2.fc11 from rawhide and the beta
Closed: Invalid None Opened 15 years ago by jwrdegoede.


Can you please untag vavoom-1.29-2.fc11 from rawhide and the beta, and then tag
vavoom-1.29-1.fc10 into the beta (and I expect rawhide to pick it up automatically).

I'm afraid vavoom does not work at all when build with gcc 4.4 I realize this needs fixing, but I've not gotten anywhere after a day of debugging it. I've mailed vavoom upstream and filed a bug against gcc. Thats all I can do for now. In the mean time I would really like to see rawhide and the beta revert to the last gcc-4.3 compiled version which works like a charm.

Also see:

No, we can't do that. FESCo has a rule about rawhide not going backwards in package versions, so you'd need an exception from them first.

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