#3460 Requesting override tag for ABI change in unbound
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by pwouters.

I'm requesting an ABI change for unbound. It was only extended (eg with GOST cipher, which we do not enable because of a lack of openssl-1.0.0 in Fedora) and no backwards compatibility issues should occur.


The only package that Requires: unbound-libs is autotrust:


I am not sure, what you really want. Since autotrust is already built, why do you need a override? Do you just need someone to look at the updates to ensure their sanity?

Btw. if both updates only work if each other is also updated, you should bundle them together in one update: Edit one of the updates, select "Add another build" and add the build of the other update. This will ensure that both updates will be pushed together.

autotrust depends on unbound but not the other way around. I build unbound with a new SONAME and then rebuild autotrust. But I'm getting emails with:

To: unbound-owner@fedoraproject.org
Subject: Broken dependencies with Fedora 12 + updates-testing - 2010-02-26

The following packages in the repository suffer from broken dependencies:

The results in this summary consider Test Updates!

package: autotrust-0.3.1-2.fc12.i686 from fedora-12-i386
unresolved deps:

And was told to request an override tag

tagged unbound-1.4.1-2.fc12

You need to rebuilt autotrust (and bump the release, but probably to 2.fc12.1 to keep the update path to F13+) when the creation new buildroot is finished, this should happen in about 20 minutes. But then please add the autotrust build to the unbound update, because if only autotrust or unbound will be pushed to stable, autotrust will not work, so both need to be pushed together.

Some additions, you need to wait till this task is done: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2019922

And FYI the buildroot override is necessary to include unbound in the buildroot, so that autotrust can build against it. Only packages pushed to stable are by default in the buildroot.

Done: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/F12/FEDORA-2010-2935

I bumped the autotrust evr with just a release, since there was already a newer release. I will bump the evr in F-13/devel. Though those are still pending a DSO linking issue I"m working on.

I see unbound-1.4.4-2.fc12 in stable updates, untagging this.

Metadata Update from @pwouters:
- Issue assigned to till

7 years ago

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