#3544 F13: requested buildroot override for ice-3.4.0-1.fc13
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by mef.

Unfortunately, I didn't realise (I do now!) that other packages were built against the ice object middleware, so there are now broken deps for F13. Please add ice-3.4.0-1.fc13 to the F13 buildroot so I can fix this. Thanks! :)

tagged ice-3.4.0-1.fc13

Hi -- has this buildroot override already expired? gearbox has been rebuilt, but there's still an issue with mumble ... could you put it back please?

Replying to [comment:2 mef]:

Hi -- has this buildroot override already expired? gearbox has been rebuilt, but there's still an issue with mumble ... could you put it back please?

Sorry, never mind -- I was using mock instead of koji to build -- oops. :(

in dist-f13 now, untagged.

Metadata Update from @mef:
- Issue assigned to till

7 years ago

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