#3610 possible issue with an edited bohdi update
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by pbrobinson.

I edited this update to add the gir-repository fix for the file clash.


bohdi did a second push on 2010-04-14 01:32:37 according to the comments in the update but it seems that the dist-f13-updates-testing doesn't seem to be applied to the gir-repository or the updated gupnp-vala.

Bodhi also updated the bugzilla bug report

I tagged gir-repository and gupnp-vala into testing by hand... looking into how this happened now.

Ah, editing during a push will cause this issue... I'm going to have bodhi disallow the editing of updates that are mid-push.

thanks Luke, for tagging the updates. I thought I had done this in the past with success. I'll make sure not to do it in the future.

Metadata Update from @pbrobinson:
- Issue assigned to lmacken

7 years ago

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