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Xfce 4.6.2 was released 2010-05-22. I built it into rawhide that day. This is a small bugfix and translations update, so it should be pretty safe for f12/f13. It will of course spend time in testing for feedback.
I can file bunches of seperate tickets if you like, but I would think it would be easier to just add them to this one ticket. I need to add a number of builds to the buildroot as this is being landed.
The full list is:
libxfce4util xfconf libxfcegui4 libxfce4menu xfce-utils exo xfce4-panel xfce4-settings Thunar xfce4-appfinder xfce4-session xfwm4 xfdesktop Terminal
First two I need to get tagged into the buildroot:
libxfce4util-4.6.2-1.fc13 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2232728
libxfce4util-4.6.2-1.fc12 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2232744
It is usually better to create new tickets, so that everyone gets a notification about it. But I added the rel-eng list to CC, so maybe you will also be noticed by others if you request other requests here.
ok, next 4:
exo-0.3.107-2.fc13 libxfcegui4-4.6.4-1.fc13
exo-0.3.107-2.fc12 libxfcegui4-4.6.4-1.fc12
Replying to [comment:2 kevin]:
ok, next 4: exo-0.3.107-2.fc13 libxfcegui4-4.6.4-1.fc13 and exo-0.3.107-2.fc12 libxfcegui4-4.6.4-1.fc12
Next two:
libxfce4menu-4.6.2-1.fc13 libxfce4menu-4.6.2-1.fc12
Replying to [comment:4 kevin]:
Next two: libxfce4menu-4.6.2-1.fc13 libxfce4menu-4.6.2-1.fc12
All done. Thanks.
Should be all untagged now.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue assigned to till
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