#3971 updates for F-13 bad, wrong distro. tag and no updateinfo
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by james.

The repomd.xml for F-13 is wrong (something thinks it's F-13 == rawhide):

<distro cpeid="cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:15">rawhide</distro>


<data type="group">
<location href="repodata/45337995106c7712e2f064cc0c7c1017fc03f8ad40a0bc477547fc593755ba8d-comps-rawhide.xml"/>

...and there's no updateinfo.

It's mostly fixed, but now updateinfo is broken in a different way:

    <package arch="noarch" epoch="None" name="logwatch" release="51.fc13" src="http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/3/i386/logwatch-7.3.6-51.fc13.noarch.rpm" version="7.3.6">

...epoch="None" is not valid (it should just not exist, or be an int).

This is bodhi creating it, re-assigning to luke.

Luke, component says mash, but it's bodhi making the update info. Any idea what's going on here?

I see a lot of epoch="0" but also a few "None"'s, which I think is due to caching. I also just pushed https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/changeset/28d915a9db56c2b7fbfb5af09bbf23d500f71157 which should hopefully ensure this doesn't happen. I'll push this to releng2 this week.

This issue has been fixed for a while now.

Metadata Update from @james:
- Issue assigned to lmacken

7 years ago

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