#4444 Please tag telepathy-glib-0.13.13-1.fc15 into buildroot for F-15
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by bpepple.

Please tag telepathy-glib-0.13.13-1.fc15 into buildroot for F-15. It is needed to build a security update for telepathy-gabble. Thanks.

Tagged, please let me know when you are done so I can untag it.

[nb@delta ~]$ koji tag-pkg dist-f15-override telepathy-glib-0.13.13-1.fc15
Created task 2844951
Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
2844951 tagBuild (noarch): free
2844951 tagBuild (noarch): free -> closed
0 free 0 open 1 done 0 failed

2844951 tagBuild (noarch) completed successfully
[nb@delta ~]$

Ok, built tp-gabble. telepathy-glib-0.13.13-1.fc15 can be untagged. Thanks!

Metadata Update from @bpepple:
- Issue assigned to nb

7 years ago

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