#4860 invalid paths in repo updateinfo.xml.gz
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by mschwendt.

A user at fedoraforum.org mentions download errors with invalid repodata going on for weeks:

Bug no.1: The updateinfo.xml.gz repodata files contain download paths that point to …/updates/5/… not 15 (for Fedora 15) and …/updates/4/… not 14 (for Fedora 14). For example:

contains paths like
which give 404 not found

Fedora 14:
-> http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/4/x86_64/ecryptfs-utils-87-6.fc14.x86_64.rpm
-> 404 not found

(!) Dunno what other repos and dist versions are affected by this.

Bug no.2: If one inserts the missing '1' for the dist version, the x86_64 download succeeds, but fails for i686 Fedora 15, because the real path is …/15/i386/… not …/15/i686/…

So - this is definitely happening. The xml is wrong. It sure feels like a typo somewhere - since bodhi makes the updateinfo.xml - seems like it would be in there.

Wow, this bug must have been lingering for a long time.

I think I just fixed it, https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/changeset/7c820277c84674884c6874bd6e272ef396a250e8

I'll test it out and try and get a release deployed shortly.

Thanks for finding & reporting this!

Looks like it's not fully fixed still. ;(


...<filename>java-service-wrapper-3.2.5-2.fc15.i686.rpm</filename></package><package arch="x86_64" epoch="0" name="java-service-wrapper-debuginfo" release="2.fc15" src="<a href="http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/5/x86_64/java-service-wrapper-debuginfo-3.2.5-2.fc15.x86_64.rpm"">http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/5/x86_64/java-service-wrapper-debuginfo-3.2.5-2.fc15.x86_64.rpm" version="3.2.5">...

The '5' there should be '15'?

Or has this not been deployed yet?

Replying to [comment:5 kevin]:

Looks like it's not fully fixed still. ;(
Or has this not been deployed yet?

Correct, it's not deployed yet. I'm trying to wrap up a couple of other bug fixes before I do another release, which will hopefully be tomorrow or early next week.


Any update on when this fix will be deployed? I have reason to believe this may be breaking zypper updates.

Yes, the fix should be in production. I just wiped out the repodata cache, so the fixed updateinfo should go out after the next push.

Replying to [comment:8 lmacken]:

Yes, the fix should be in production. I just wiped out the repodata cache, so the fixed updateinfo should go out after the next push.

Just checked the updated repodata, dated yesterday (18th), but it looks like the error is still there. Am I misunderstanding and is there a waiting/propagation period?


The fix does not appear to have made it into the repodata yet. Any idea why?

Replying to [comment:10 wahming]:


The fix does not appear to have made it into the repodata yet. Any idea why?

I'm seeing the fixed paths in the updates-testing repo, but it looks like the stable repo is still using some cached values. I just wiped out the cache yet again, and I'll have a look after this current push is finished to make sure it's fixed.

As far as I can tell, these paths are now fixed.

Please re-open this ticket if you still experience this problem.


still suffers from "Bug no.2" and points at …/15/i686/… instead of …/15/i386/…

Replying to [comment:13 mschwendt]:


still suffers from "Bug no.2" and points at …/15/i686/… instead of …/15/i386/…

Ah, good catch.

I fixed this issue in git https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/changeset/282ded5ddb69ba6d1c64ea88b580f61336c7a662

and will deploy it to our releng servers soon. Thanks!

This issue has been resolved.

Metadata Update from @mschwendt:
- Issue assigned to lmacken

7 years ago

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