#4879 Buildroot override problems in EPEL6 - perl-Test-SharedFork
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by jpo.


I need to build perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple and perl-Test-TCP for EPEL-6 and these packages depend on perl-Test-SharedFork that has just been pushed for the testing repositories.

I did try to make the override via bodhi (specifying perl-Test-SharedFork-0.16-1.el6.1 in the build textfield) but it failed saying that I had no commit rights for perl-Test-SharedFork (I do have commit rights but only for EPEL6).

I'm doing something wrong?


PS - In the next days I will be requesting EPEL6 branches for several more perl modules and this situation will occur at least 3 more times (perl-Dancer and in particular perl-Plack long requirements chain).
More info in the bugzilla ticket: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729504

The reason it would not let you tag it yourself is because you don't have commit to devel (rawhide/master). If you don't have commit to rawhide, you'll need to file a rel-eng ticket (like this). Please include the build to tag into the buildroot, and mention that you don't have commit for the rawhide branch (so that the person who takes the ticket doesn't just direct you to the self-serve option.).

I've tagged perl-Test-SharedFork-0.15-1.el6.1 into dist-6E-epel-override. Please let me know when you are done so I can untag it.

[nb@desktop ~]$ koji tag-pkg dist-6E-epel-override perl-Test-SharedFork-0.16-1.el6.1
Created task 3267017
Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
3267017 tagBuild (noarch): free
3267017 tagBuild (noarch): free -> open (x86-14.phx2.fedoraproject.org)
3267017 tagBuild (noarch): open (x86-14.phx2.fedoraproject.org) -> closed
0 free 0 open 1 done 0 failed

3267017 tagBuild (noarch) completed successfully

Replying to [comment:2 nb]:

The reason it would not let you tag it yourself is because you don't have commit to devel (rawhide/master). If you don't have commit to rawhide, you'll need to file a rel-eng ticket (like this). Please include the build to tag into the buildroot, and mention that you don't have commit for the rawhide branch (so that the person who takes the ticket doesn't just direct you to the self-serve option.).

Thanks for the explanation. Would it be possible to add it to the page https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bodhi/BuildRootOverrides (maybe in a "Exceptions" section) ?



This build override can be untagged.


This is done. Closing.

Metadata Update from @jpo:
- Issue assigned to nb

7 years ago

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