#6265 koji and bodhi don't agree on what updates have been pushed
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by ellert.

Two of my requseted update pushes to EPEL 5 stable failed according to bodhi:


R-qtl-1.37.11-1.el5 ejected from the push because u"Cannot find relevant tag for R-qtl-1.37.11-1.el5: ['dist-5E-epel']"


xrootd-4.2.3-1.el5 ejected from the push because u"Cannot find relevant tag for xrootd-4.2.3-1.el5: ['dist-5E-epel']"

I then pushed the "push to stable" button again, so according to bodhi the updates are in testing with a requested push to stable.

However if I look at the koji information for the builds in these updates:



they both say "Tags: dist-5E-epel" - i.e. according to koji the builds are already pushed to stable.

There is a similar situation with this update for Fedora 22:


According to bodhi the update is pending with a requested bush to testing, but the koji information for the build in the update:


says the build is already in updates-testing. In this case there is no message about the update having been ejected from a push.

I have just received bogus comments from bodhi on these two updates:


"This update has reached 28 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes."

But the koji tag history says these updates were pushed to stable on Sep 24.

Koji and bodhi have now been in disagreement over the state of these two updates for one month.

According to koji, they were pushed to stable on September 24:

$ koji list-tag-history --build xrootd-4.2.3-1.el5 | tail -1
Thu Sep 24 11:56:00 2015: xrootd-4.2.3-1.el5 tagged into dist-5E-epel by bodhi [still active]
$ koji list-tag-history --build R-qtl-1.37.11-1.el5 | tail -1
Thu Sep 24 11:55:58 2015: R-qtl-1.37.11-1.el5 tagged into dist-5E-epel by bodhi [still active]

However, bodhi still reports them as being in testing:

The packages from these updates are available in the stable repo, which corresponds to koji's view of their status.

Can someone please make sure that bodhi will agree with this too.

Many thanks for fixing this.

Metadata Update from @ellert:
- Issue assigned to lmacken

7 years ago

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