#6272 Fix older 389-ds-base builder tagged over newer
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by kalev.

Last night's push tagged older 389-ds-base- over newer 389-ds-base-, causing broken deps in today's F23 Branched. Please untag the older 389-ds-base- from f23.

$ koji list-history --package 389-ds-base --tag f23
Mon Sep 7 18:34:23 2015 389-ds-base- tagged into f23 by bodhi [still active]
Wed Sep 9 12:36:11 2015 389-ds-base- untagged from f23 by oscar
Thu Oct 8 12:32:55 2015 389-ds-base- tagged into f23 by bodhi [still active]


I have fixed up the tagging, but this is a bug in bodhi

nothing to do here for rel-eng, I am pretty sure there are tagging problem tickets already reported for bodhi at its issue tracker, so this can be closed IMHO.

Metadata Update from @kalev:
- Issue assigned to lmacken
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 23 Final

7 years ago

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