#6894 Changes/Stop Building i686 kernels
Closed: Can't Fix 6 years ago Opened 7 years ago by jforbes.

The change is to stop building the i686 kernels, and produce kernel-headers packages only. This will no impact the build of any other package as i686, but will mean no more bootable images.

Change page for review: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Stop_Building_i686_Kernels
Owner: @jforbes

Metadata Update from @ausil:
- Issue tagged with: changes, f27

7 years ago

On a quick review this change will mean we have to drop all 32 bit x86 delieverables, It is not approrpriately filed, It is a systemwide change. the only thing we could ship would be multilib support for x86_64 and possibly container images, which is something that we do not do today. however we would need to do work to make the 32 bit x86 containers to use a 64 bit x86_64 installer, as the base image compose process requires that we have a installer tree which is not possible without a kernel

We will need to think about it more, given that we are past the system wide change deadline I am inclined to reject committing us to doing the work for Fedora 27. The work to drop the deliverables is doable. It is more if we should do it, or we should start communicating it out to the world to make the change in f28 or f29. at the least we need to determine if Fedora wants to provide 32 bit x86 containers , as that work will need to have tooling work scoped and done.

Releng is rejecting this change for Fedora 27

Metadata Update from @ausil:
- Issue close_status updated to: Can't Fix
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
- Issue tagged with: change-nak

6 years ago

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