#7192 Retire rust-quickcheck0.4
Closed: Fixed 6 years ago Opened 7 years ago by ignatenkobrain.

Not sure why it didn't work automatically...

➜  rust-quickcheck0.4 git:(master) fedpkg retire "No need for this compat package anymore"
rm '.gitignore'
rm 'README.md'
rm 'quickcheck-0.4.1-fix-metadata.diff'
rm 'rust-quickcheck0.4.spec'
rm 'sources'
[master 7f5e2a1] No need for this compat package anymore
 6 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 81 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .gitignore
 delete mode 100644 README.md
 create mode 100644 dead.package
 delete mode 100644 quickcheck-0.4.1-fix-metadata.diff
 delete mode 100644 rust-quickcheck0.4.spec
 delete mode 100644 sources
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 317 bytes | 317.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Sending to redis to log activity and send commit notification emails
To ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/rpms/rust-quickcheck0.4
   7d08a41..7f5e2a1  master -> master
➜  rust-quickcheck0.4 git:(master) ✗ 

Just to understand completely, what didn't work?

@pingou, I'm still an owner, package is not removed from rawhide, package is not blocked in koji

@ignatenkobrain Blocking of retired packages in koji will happen as part of nightly compose. So, once it gets retired in dist-git and pdc, it will be blocked in koji on the nightly compose run.

So it doesn't seem to be retired... Still..

This should be fixed after https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/7349 is merged and applied.

@kevin seems PR you mentioned was merged & applied..

However, this package is not retired neither in f28 nor in rawhide. :(

Seems same happened to rust-pest0.3, I have retired it few days ago, but it's still in rawhide repo.

This is not working because the 'block_retired.py' script is still talking to pkgdb. :disappointed:

@ralph @pingou

Might you (or someone you know) be willing to update this script to query pdc?

@ignatenkobrain @pingou rust-quickcheck0.4, rust-pest0.3 are not retired as per pdc (except for rust-pest0.3 in rawhide), which is the issue why they are not getting blocked in koji.

fedpkg retire should take care of it.

Argh. I had a old releng checkout here... it is using PDC indeed.

⋊> ~/t/rust-quickcheck0.4 on master ◦ fedpkg retire "No need for this compat package anymore"                                                                                                              21:21:54
dead.package found, package probably already retired - will not remove files from git or overwrite existing dead.package file
Everything up-to-date

still PDC shows active: true

@ignatenkobrain Retiring twice wont work if dead.package file is already in there


For some reason, when you did fedpkg retire for the first time, it didn't do it right. I am not sure if the problem still persists.

Needs more digging.

Well, well, well


fedpkg retire was never updated to use pdc for retirement.

I am going ahead and filing a ticket.

To update this ticket after some more investigation... fedpkg isn't supposed to update pdc.

The workflow is supposed to go:

  • fedpkg retire done and emits a fedmsg
  • fedmsg listener on pdc-backend02 sees it and sets the eol date in pdc.
  • rawhide or branched compose runs block_retired.py and blocks packages that are eol in pdc and aren't blocked already.

It seems the fedmsg listener on pdc-backend02 isn't working right, so nothing is updating pdc. We need to track that down and fix it, then retoractively fix all the retired packages.

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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