#7514 Disappearing s390x builders
Closed: Fixed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by sgallagh.

Twice in the last week, my builds have hung on s390x. Both times, @puiterwijk looked and determined that "the builder had disappeared". He freed the task so another builder would pick it up and asked me to file this ticket to investigate the root cause.

Last two times it happened, it got stuck on buildvm-s390x-11.s390.fedoraproject.org builder, so something is happening in that builder, probably not enough memory for large builds.

Hum... not sure what disappeared means here. @puiterwijk can you expand on that? Not checking in? Down? something else?

Also, all s390x builders have the exact same memory/cpus, etc.

I updated and rebooted 11... and also 12 (since it wasn't answering).

If this happens again we should make sure it's not happening in the same place in the build... which might mean we have a tools bug.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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