#2 Is sanlock limit maximum resource count?
Closed 4 years ago by nsoffer. Opened 5 years ago by ouo.

I want to use sanlock to manage a large number(2000) of resources, but I don't see a description of the maximum number of resources on the README.md and sanlock linux man pages. Does increasing the number of resources have no effect on sanlock performance?

Hi, there is no max, and I think 2000 could work ok. It will depend somewhat on the pattern of acquiring/releasing the leases on the resources, because acquire and release each involve disk i/o. For example, if you were to release 2000 leases all at once, that can generate an i/o spike which could impact other i/o to the storage device.

A high number of lockspaces can be more limiting because each lockspace consumes disk i/o for lease renewal (every lockspace produces 1M read, 512 byte write every 20 seconds by default). So you will want to think more carefully about how you will use lockspaces.

Seem that this was answered, feel free to reopen if more info is needed.

Metadata Update from @nsoffer:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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