6271e67 BZ684546 htmlview now obsolete, use xdg-open

Authored and Committed by John J. McDonough 13 years ago
    BZ684546 htmlview now obsolete, use xdg-open
    Prior to Fedora 12, xdg-open did not behave properly for html files,
    opening them in the user's preferred application rather than the
    user's preferred browser.  This caused some users to see documents in
    their raw html in, for example, emacs, rather than viewing the
    document in the browser.  html:// URLs were opened in the browser but
    file:// URLs were not.  As a result, doc-publican-rpm generated
    .desktop files that called htmlview.
    In Fedora 12, support for file:// URLs was added to xdg-open and
    htmview was changed to a script that called xdg-open with a file://
    prepended to the filename.  d-p-r continued to work properly.
    In Fedora 15, htmlview was dropped, necessitating a change to
    xdg-open and away from htmlview as outlined in BZ684546
    "Release notes desktop files rely on extinct htmlview"
    This commit simply changes the two lines (one for GNOME/XFCE and one
    for KDE) that reference htmlview.