#358 Trademark Approval: DLN collaboration with the Fedora Podcast
Closed: approved 3 years ago by mattdm. Opened 3 years ago by x3mboy.

Reps of the Destination Linux Network (DLN) are asking to collab with the Fedora Podcast in a bidirectional relationship, where we both benefits on each other:

Text in the original ticket fedora-podcast#14

Hello all,

I am very happy to see this podcast being started back up again and as a fellow Fedora enthusiast I'd like to be involved in some way. So I was thinking that we could discuss associating the Fedora Podcast with the Destination Linux Network in some way. We'd help out wherever we can and the Fedora Podcast would become part of the network.

I know this will likely require a discussion to iron out the details but I think this could be awesome!

Our request

SInce we discussed this in mindshare#255 and in a meeting and the concept was approved, the request is to allow DLN to use the trademark to promote the Fedora Podcast in their sites:


DLN rep: @michaeltunnell
Podcast co-host: @computerkid

DLN's usage is covered under the "Business web sites" section of the trademark guidelines that do not require permission.

I am closing this ticket. If the terms under that section aren't acceptable to DLN, you can reopen the issue.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue close_status updated to: no action needed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
- Issue tagged with: trademarks

3 years ago

Upon further inspection of the guidelines in teh Business websites portion, I think we need someone to address the following because the guidelines do not fit in relation to an association.

It is permissible to use the Fedora Trademarks on business web sites, provided that:

  1. the web site has non-Fedora primary branding
  2. the design logo hyperlinks to the Fedora Project website, http://fedoraproject.org/
  3. the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Red Hat or the Fedora Project
  4. the use of the Fedora Trademarks does not imply an association with or endorsement of any non-Fedora goods or services
  5. the site does not use visual styling that could be confusing to viewers or visitors as to whether the site is hosted by or on behalf of the Fedora Project

We can easily comply with 1, 2 & 5 however there are questions with 3 as there would be an implied endorsement with Fedora I think.

Also, 4 is a bigger blocker as there would be direct association involved so I would need someone to explain how we can move forward with this blocker.

As Michael says, there is some stuff that needs to be discussed, so I will re-open this ticket.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

3 years ago

Okay, so, let's vote. Proposed:

The Fedora Council grants permission for DLN to use the Fedora trademarks use to promote the Fedora Podcast on their various websites.

Let's make this a full consensus votes: we need three +1s and no unresolved -1s, with a deadline of one week. (Valid votes from current Council members only, please.)

So, after a week and 5 +1, no 0 and no -1, can we called this approved? It would be nice to have an answer today 2021-05-24 since we want to start the new season for tomorrow and we want to promote the podcast in conjunction with DLN.

Yep! This is official!

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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