ambassadors-na / tasks

Created 8 years ago
Maintained by award3535
Public ticketing system for the Fedora Ambassadors of North America for tracking events, budget items, and other items  |
Members 4

The Fedora Ambassadors of North America (FAmNA) Pagure instance provides a web front-end to the FAmNA general ticketing system. This Pagure replaces our former Trac page.

What can I do here?

You can file an issue to:

  • Add items to FAmNA meeting agendas
    • Open an issue and add the meeting tag to have it added to the agenda for the next meeting
    • See tickets on the meeting agenda here
  • Track progress of proposed and assigned tasks
  • Request help from FAmNA on issues of concern or interest to Fedora community
  • Make suggestions about ways FAmNA can improve processes or its contribution to the activities of North American Ambassadors

Have suggestions about the management and use of this repository? Please feel free to suggest how so we can make the most of this tool. One thing this repository is NOT for is requesting swag or other resources that might require private information, like addresses, phone numbers, or more. For those requests, please use the FAmNA Resource Request Tracker.

Please remember this is a public repository. Do not enter any private or sensitive information you don't want public here.