#116 Fedora 23 media quotes
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by nb.

So, our current vendor keeps increasing their prices:
DVD-5 $1.32
DVD-9 $1.37

I checked with our former vendor and their quote is:
DVD-5 $0.92
DVD-9 $1.25

All of these prices are not including shipping.

I suggest we go back to the old vendor and produce a multi-desktop image like we did in the past on a DVD-9 (dual layer DVD). Please make a decision tonight and let me know how to proceed. I will be unable to attend the meeting.

FAMNA approved moving back to old vendor, Multi-desktop approved.
nb please proceed.

Nick, what is the status of this ticket, did we receive media?

media was not produced, pushing to F24

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