I got a quote for Fedora embroidered keychains. $4.00 each for an order of 100 or more, or $5.00 each for less than 100. I can also check if we want to place an order higher than 100 to see if pricing would go down any more.
I've attached a couple photos of a sample that they made for me, and a PDF of a quote that they emailed. <img alt="Proposal_for_Fedora_Key_Chains_.pdf" src="/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/raw/files/ed4b3f70e7e99b771f0dc094fa1c86205b57c5f6078c1a773ae22e5631c29a74-Proposal_for_Fedora_Key_Chains_.pdf" />
<img alt="IMG_9360.JPG" src="/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/raw/files/98901de6bbe7ecdafc285f4cfe8951305675e35ee8c999c366975c45b7bfcbda-IMG_9360.JPG" /> <img alt="IMG_9363.JPG" src="/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/raw/files/03fc589944495867c6df4671431872e530345a3fc6ea76a17c02ed30b8abf714-IMG_9363.JPG" />
These definitely look cool! I think they would definitely fall into the category of whether or not we have extra money to spend, but if that's the case, then it could be a worthwhile purchase.
Since I won't be able to make the meetings anymore (:pensive:), I'll cast a tentative +1 for these if we can fit them into the Q4 budget after tablecloths and banners are accounted for. If it falls into Q1 of FY18, then I'll reserve my vote until it is discussed further.
I think these are great looking too. I agree with Justin that they would definitely fall into the category of worthwhile if we have the extra money to spend!
I also just got word from them that they can do 200 or more for $3.75 each
<img alt="IMG_9394.JPG" src="/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/raw/files/fc8b6567f3c7249319a5f211c670108e5236f756dd92cb953684790cdbca3982-IMG_9394.JPG" />
<img alt="IMG_9396.JPG" src="/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/raw/files/b8b9d3cded3c1ce8de55002668cb395df5d4644159f846d672d07bbab2e842d5-IMG_9396.JPG" />
2/2/17 FAmNA approved expense to be less than $990.00, 100 Key chains and 150 patches
Metadata Update from @nb: - Assignee reset
Metadata Update from @nb: - Issue assigned to bex
This has been paid. $989.75. Ledger files have been updated.
Metadata Update from @nb: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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