
An AMQP consumer that automatically uploads Cloud images to their respective homes.


The fedora-messaging service is the container entrypoint and is also used to provide most of the configuration. An example configuration file is included and the full list of options are in fedora-messaging's configuration documentation. The FEDORA_MESSAGING_CONF environment variable should be set to the configuration file's location.

In addition to fedora-messaging, the Azure Ansible collection needs Azure credentials provided. It supports using environment variables, a credentials file at ~/.azure/credentials or the azure-cli credentials. For example, to authenticate via environment variables using an app registration in the Microsoft Entra ID service with a client secret, setting the AZURE_TENANT, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, and AZURE_SECRET along with the AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID will be picked up by the Ansible playbook. The app registration needs to be configured in the given subscription's access control settings.