#643 Infographics for marketing: Fedora Spins
Opened 5 years ago by x3mboy. Modified 4 years ago


In the Marketing team, we want to launch a series of infographics, as we stated in design#614. The first one is great, and we want to continue with the idea.


Explained above


This is the idea:

Fedora Spins

Fedora is shipped with GNOME, but if you prefer an alternative desktop environment such as KDE Plasma Desktop or Xfce, you can download a Fedora Spin for your preferred desktop environment and use that to install Fedora, pre-configured for the desktop environment of your choice.

KDE Plasma Desktop

The Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop Edition is a powerful Fedora-based operating system utilizing the KDE Plasma Desktop as the main user interface.

Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop comes with many pre-selected top quality applications that suit all modern desktop use cases - from online communication like web browsing, instant messaging and electronic mail correspondence, through multimedia and entertainment, to an advanced productivity suite, including office applications and enterprise grade personal information management.

All KDE applications are well integrated, with a similar look and feel and an easy to use interface, accompanied by an outstanding graphical appearance.

Xfce Desktop

The Fedora Xfce spin showcases the Xfce desktop, which aims to be fast and lightweight, while still being visually appealing and user friendly.

Fedora Xfce is a full-fledged desktop using the freedesktop.org standards.

LXQt Desktop

Fedora LXQt provides a lightweight, well-integrated LXQt desktop environment. In addition to LXQt itself it provides a small, well selected collection of applications like the QupZilla browser, which combines Chromium's rendering engine with a nice Qt experience. Other applications include the Trojita mail client, the qBittorrent client, the Yarock music player and a set of some more commonly used applications. As all applications use the same Qt5 toolkit and the Breeze theme known from KDE, the desktop provides a unified and well-integrated style and theming. In addition breeze-gtk is provided to allow the user to integrate GTK applications too.

MATE-Compiz Desktop

The MATE Compiz spin bundles MATE Desktop with Compiz Fusion. MATE Desktop is a lightweight, powerful desktop designed with productivity and performance in mind. The default windows manager is Marco which is usable for all machines and VMs. Compiz Fusion is a beautiful 3D windowing manager with Emerald and GTK+ theming.

If you want a powerful, lightweight Fedora desktop with 3D eyecandy you should definitely try the MATE-Compiz spin.

Cinnamon Desktop

Cinnamon is a Linux desktop which provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience. The desktop layout is similar to Gnome 2. The underlying technology is forked from Gnome Shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience.

Cinnamon is a popular desktop alternative to Gnome 3 and this spin provides the option to quickly try and install this desktop.

LXDE Desktop

LXDE, the "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment", is an extremely fast, performant, and energy-saving desktop environment. It maintained by an international community of developers and comes with a beautiful interface, multi-language support, standard keyboard shortcuts and additional features like tabbed file browsing.

LXDE is not designed to be powerful and bloated, but to be usable and slim. A main goal of LXDE is to keep computer resource usage low. It is especially designed for computers with low hardware specifications like netbooks, mobile devices (e.g. MIDs) or older computers.

SoaS Desktop

Sugar on a Stick is a Fedora-based operating system featuring the award-winning Sugar Learning Platform and designed to fit on an ordinary USB thumbdrive ("stick").

Sugar sets aside the traditional “office-desktop” metaphor, presenting a child-friendly graphical environment. Sugar automatically saves your progress to a "Journal" on your stick, so teachers and parents can easily pull up "all collaborative web browsing sessions done in the past week" or "papers written with Daniel and Sarah in the last 24 hours" with a simple query rather than memorizing complex file/folder structures. Applications in Sugar are known as Activities, some of which are described below.

It is now deployable for the cost of a stick rather than a laptop; students can take their Sugar on a Stick thumbdrive to any machine - at school, at home, at a library or community center - and boot their customized computing environment without touching the host machine’s hard disk or existing system at all.

Credits to each Fedora SIG/WG and the Fedora Spins website

I like this one better!

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue assigned to tatica
- Issue tagged with: triaged

5 years ago

@tatica I have the same feedback from the server one here - maybe we should have a separate ticket for a standard header + footer design?


@tatica where are we with this one? this looks almost finished, I think just the header needs to be updated to match the others?

Can we lock this as ready to publish?

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