#644 Infographics for marketing: Fedora Labs
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by duffy. Opened 5 years ago by x3mboy.


In the Marketing team, we want to launch a series of infographics, as we stated in design#614. The first one is great, and we want to continue with the idea.


Explained above


This is the idea:

Fedora Labs

Fedora Labs is a selection of curated bundles of purpose-driven software and content as curated and maintained by members of the Fedora Community. These may be installed as standalone full versions of Fedora or as add-ons to existing Fedora installations.


Fedora Astronomy brings a complete open source toolchain to both amateur and professional astronomers.

The Spin provides the Fedora KDE desktop enhanced with a complete scientific Python environment and the AstrOmatic software for data analysis. KStars was added to provide a full featured astrophotography tool. As KStars uses the INDI library to control equipment, various telescopes, cameras etc. are supported. Summarized, Fedora Astronomy provides a complete set of software, from the observation planning to the final results.

Design Suite

Looking for a ready-to-go desktop environment brimming with free and open source multimedia production and publishing tools? Try the Design Suite, a Fedora Spin created by designers, for designers.

The Design Suite includes the favorite tools of the Fedora Design Team. These are the same programs we use to create all the artwork that you see within the Fedora Project, from desktop backgrounds to CD sleeves, web page designs, application interfaces, flyers, posters and more. From document publication to vector and bitmap editing or 3D modeling to photo management, the Design Suite has an application for you — and you can install thousands more from the Fedora universe of packages.


Wary of reinstalling all the essential tools for your scientific and numerical work? The answer is here. Fedora Scientific Spin brings together the most useful open source scientific and numerical tools atop the goodness of the KDE desktop environment.

Fedora Scientific currently ships with numerous applications and libraries. These range from libraries such as the GNU Scientific library, the SciPy libraries, tools like Octave and xfig to typesetting tools like Kile and graphics programs such as Inkscape. The current set of packages include an IDE, tools and libraries for programming in C, C++, Python, Java and R. Also included along with are libraries for parallel computing such as the OpenMPI and OpenMP. Tools for typesetting, writing and publishing are included.


The Fedora Games spin offers a perfect showcase of the best games available in Fedora. The included games span several genres, from first-person shooters to real-time and turn-based strategy games to puzzle games.

Not all the games available in Fedora are included on this spin, but trying out this spin will give you a fair impression of Fedora's ability to run great games.

Python Classroom

One of the benefits of Fedora for Python developers is the ease of setting up Python development. The Fedora Python Classroom Lab makes it even easier for teachers and instructors to use Fedora in their classrooms or workshops. Ready to use operating system with important stuff pre-installed - either with GNOME or as a headless environment for Docker or Vagrant. Teach Python on Fedora, with Fedora, using the stuff you love: IPython, Jupyter Notebook, multiple Pythons, virtualenvs, tox, git and more

The Fedora Python Classroom Lab comes in 3 variants. Either you can run it in graphical mode with GNOME, or you can virtualize it with Vagrant or run it in a Docker container. You choose what fits your teaching environment the best.

Secutiry Lab

The Fedora Security Lab provides a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue and teaching security testing methodologies in universities and other organizations.

The spin is maintained by a community of security testers and developers. It comes with the clean and fast Xfce Desktop Environment and a customized menu that provides all the instruments needed to follow a proper test path for security testing or to rescue a broken system. The Live image has been crafted to make it possible to install software while running, and if you are running it from a USB stick created with LiveUSB Creator using the overlay feature, you can install and update software and save your test results permanently.

Credits to each Fedora SIG/WG and the Fedora Labs website

The original infographic read most like a guide to actually doing something with podman (i.e. code and commands). I get the sense that would not be the case for these. Are you thinking something more visual about "what" could be accomplished with the particular spin?

Thoughts on one of the items from your description:

Fedora Astronomy

  • Who is it for: Astronomers (pro and aspiring)
  • Features:
    • KDE Desktop
    • Complete scientific Python environment
    • AstrOmatic software for data analysis.
    • KStars (a full featured astrophotography tool).
      • INDI library to control equipment, various telescopes, cameras etc. are supported.

The above would highlight high-level differentiators of the particular spin, though from an infographic standpoint it might be nice to have a narrative story-element about a project one could do out-of-the-box with the spin. Astronomy isn't my area, but maybe this would be something like:

  1. Download and install Fedora Astronomy
  2. Connect KStars to your telescope using the INDI library.
  3. Follow your favorite star and collect data
  4. Use Python and AstrOmatic to visualize your data.
  5. Share with the broader astronomy community

Each of the above items could have links to the relevant fedora guides or software or project walkthroughs. Thoughts?

Well, I did a lot of reading and a lot of thinking, and I think we will run the campaign in at least 2 stages:
* 1st Stage: The fedora project parts: Subprojects, objectives and editions.
* 2nd Stage: Cool stuff you can do: How to, Tooling, CLI and GUI tools, and more.

That's where we are now

For this specific, I was wanted to describe all the labs and Spins (design#643). Now, reading your ideas, it would be cooler to have but harder to get the info for each lab. I will re-research about each lab to check if I can get the 2 specific things you mention: target audience and specific features.

Thanks @kylerconway for taking the time to check the ticket

@x3mboy -- no problem at all. There could also just be a high-level infographic called something akin to (but better than): "Did you know fedora has lab editions?" and just highlight that they exist.

Appreciate your work on theses concepts very much!

Hello all. Here's a test for the first infographic of this section (the "this is what we can offer you"). Please, any feedback would be more than appreciated.

Here's a color and a gradient version. Had to cut some words, but it's the same main content.


@tatica this looks fabulous! a few things:

  • can you make the background behind the logo plain white or fade out the lines behind it, so the logo isn't competing with it? actually it seems as if maybe you meant the line design to go behind the python classroom / security lab and it's shifted a bit too far up. maybe just shifting the background line design down will fix this?

  • i like the color version better but they both look fabulous

  • i would point the bottom link to join.fedoraproject.org instead of the wiki link - easier to type and we may want to redirect join to somewhere else (there's a websites ticket open on this)

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue tagged with: triaged

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue assigned to tatica

4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback! I do like the color version as well... but we have to offer options.

Here are the changes, please let me know what you all think... thank you!


It's beatiful!

For me at this point is done!

Great work @tatica, closing this as fixed!

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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