
Created 7 years ago
Maintained by otaylor
Tools for creating and maintaining Flatpaks as Fedora modules
Members 3
Yaakov Selkowitz committed 8 days ago


flatpak-module-tools is a set of command line tools (all accessed via a single 'flatpak-module' executable) for operations related to maintaining Flatpak applications and runtimes as Fedora modules.

flatpak-module build-container

Creates a OCI container of an Flatpak application or runtime from packages downloaded from Koji or in a local repository.

Usage: flatpak-module [global options] build-container [--install] [--containerspec=somedir/container.yaml] [--flatpak-metadata=labels/annotations/both] [--target=some-koji-target]

--install automatically install the resulting Flatpak or runtime systemwide

--containerspec path to container.yaml - defaults to ./container.yaml

--flatpak-metadata how flatpak metadata should be stored. Defaults to both. Using only labels require Flatpak >= 1.6.

--target Koji target to build against. Determined from runtime_version if missing.

flatpak-module install

Installs a Flatpak or Runtime built as an OCI bundle for the current user. If it doesn't already exist, a flatpak-module-tools remote is added to the Flatpak's user configuration.

Usage: flatpak-module [global options] install [PATH-or-URL]

--koji Look up argument as NAME[:STREAM] in Koji, instead of a path or an URL, and install the latest Flatpak build that matches.

global options

--verbose/v Show verbose debugging output

--config/c Additional configuration file to read

--profile/p Alternate configuration profile to use. Default is production. The standard config file for flatpak-module-tools defines production and staging, which result in using the Fedora production and staging environments, respectively.


Configuration is read from the following sources, in descending order of priority:

  • Any config file specified on the comand line, first has highest priority
  • ~/.config/flatpak-module/config.d/*.yaml, sorted alphabetically
  • ~/.config/flatpak-module/config.yaml
  • /etc/flatpak-module/config.d/*.yaml, sorted alphabetically
  • /etc/flatpak-module/config.yaml
  • config.yaml in the Python installation directory of flatpak-module-tools

A config file looks like:

        # Koji config file; leave blank to use standard files in /etc and ~/.koji
        koji_config: null
        koji_profile: koji
        # Different koji instance used for sources when rebuilding RPMs; if both
        # are unset, koji_config/koji_profile is used.
        source_koji_config: null
        source_koji_profile: null
        # Target used to build Flatpak application RPMs (prefix=/app rebuilds)
        rpm_koji_target: f$release-flatpak-app
        # Target used to build Flatpak containers
        flatpak_koji_target: f$release-flatpak-candidate
        # Tag used to get source for rebuilding RPMs locally;; refers to
        # source_koji_config/source_koji_profile if those are set.
        source_koji_tag: f$release-build

(normally, it won't be necessary to set all these values.) The profile name __default__ provides defaults that are used if a particular profile doesn't have a key.


You can use tox to setup a local environent for testing

tox -e dev
. .venv/bin/activate

Subsequently, you just need . .venv/bin/activate unless your dependencies change.

Release process

  • Create a signed tag (git tag -s -m "Version 0.9.3" v0.9.3)
  • Make a source tarball (pyproject-build -s)
  • Push tag and any commits (git push origin --tags main)
  • Upload source to PyPI (twine upload dist/flatpak-module-tools-0.9.3.tar.gz)
  • Create updated packages for current Fedora releases and EPEL
  • File Bodhi updates as necessary


flatpak-module-tools-depchase is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. See the LICENSE.gplv3 file for details.

The rest of flatpak-module-tools is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.