#310 [RFE] Submitting yaml file instead of git URL
Closed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by frostyx.

This is partly a question - would it be possible to have an option to submit a modulemd yaml file instead of git URL to a MBS instance?

Sure, it is no problem to implement a sending file there, but is it ideologically alright? Will it work in all cases?

Desired usage will be for example in Copr via copr-cli

copr-cli build-module --yaml ./testmodule.yaml

scmurl guarantees reproducibility of build unless you intend to store yaml file forever ;-) That's the same reason why koji accepts by default scmurl rather than rpmspec.

In other scenario, you could support both, where yaml input would be for test builds only (if there is such thing in copr).


Thank you @lkocman,

I would not be concerned about reproducibility that much. When you build module in Copr (via MBS, web UI or CLI), the content of yaml file is always stored. Such yaml file is printed on module detail page and there is also a link for RAW download. There is no problem also provide it through Copr API.

I see that you prefer scmurl over sending the yaml file, but it is a serious topic for us (copr team) and we would really appreciate it. Of course this possibility could be switchable in config and turned off by default. Your production instance could still accept only scmurl if you decide so.

The reason, why it is so serious for Copr is because we want to have building modules as easy as possible. We aim for two key ways, how to build a module while both will need this feature.

1) copr-cli as described above

copr-cli build-module --yaml ./testmodule.yaml

The idea is "I have a yaml file here, and I want to build it". No tools, no additional access rights, no uploading to third-party location.

2) We have web UI for creating module without writing the yaml file. User fills in a very few information about the module and selects which packages from project should be included in it. This feature works by now, but it currently doesn't use MBS at all. I would like to change it in near future, but apart from other things, it will need submitting of yaml file into MBS. I don't want to push it somewhere. It is stored on copr-frontend, there is no need to upload it to some else location.

Sure, point 2) would be possible to workaround, but 1) is not.

I don't need anyone from modularity team to spend his time on implementing something that you don't need, I would be pleased to implement it myself. I just want a discussion and some kind of approval before I start working on it.

Implemented and merged in PR #323

  • 09391e7 Add vcr-request-data from test_submit_build_from_yaml
  • 6b598b1 Describe yaml file submission
  • 2b55cfc Use locally stored testmodule.yaml file
  • defabcf Add test for submitting yaml file
  • 1630c5f Raise user friendly exception when yaml submission is not allowed
  • 3e2ee93 Rename conf option to YAML_SUBMIT_ALLOWED
  • 43b6530 Add config option for allowing of direct submitting yaml files to mbs
  • 43acbdb Implement possibility to submit yaml files (See #310)

I am closing the issue

Metadata Update from @frostyx:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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