Welcome to the Fedora Cloud Special Interest Group! This tracker will be used
to discuss new features for Fedora Cloud and also important bugs that
are affecting the project. Tickets with the meeting
label will be
taken as agenda items during the meetings. This repo is to be used primarily
for development purposes. If you are a user and have questions please use
the mailing list or IRC channel.
You can grab the Fedora Cloud Base images from the Fedora Alternative Downloads page.
on IRC (Freenode)The Fedora Cloud SIG has a bi-weekly meeting. The meeting usually
happens in #fedora-meeting-1
on irc.freenode.net and the schedule for the
meeting can be found here: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/cloud
to a local checkout of this repo and git pull
on freenodebash meeting-people.txt
on freenode#startmeeting fedora_cloud_meeting
#topic roll call
Wait for 2-4 minutes for people to check in for the roll call.
all the people present for the meeting#topic Action items from last meeting
Find the last meeting log from meetbot and post the action items in the meeting for people to update the status of.
ticket from
this trackerDo the following for each ticket
Ticket subject#link
link_to_the_ticketDuring the meeting, you can give people action items for them to complete:
#action <nickname>
description of what needs to be doneWhen all topics are over, go for open floor:
#topic Open Floor
After open floor, end the meeting.
Then, when convenient:
Remove meeting
labels from tickets that were discussed
Send an email to cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org with the
details of the meeting from meetbot page.
Minutes in textual format are directly available using .txt
as URL extension.
It's easiest to get the Minutes/Minutes (text)/Log URLs by copying the
footer that Meetbot prints after #endmeeting
. You can see examples in the
the usual format follows:
Subject: Fedora Cloud Meeting Minutes year-mm-dd Body: Minutes: <URL to meetbot .html> Minutes (text): <URL to meetbot .txt> Log: <URL to meetbot .log.html> <Copy/paste content of meetbot .txt>