#265 Clean out old sops
Merged 4 months ago by zlopez. Opened 5 months ago by kevin.
kevin/infra-docs-fpo clean-out-old-sops  into  master

@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ 

- = Fedora ARM Infrastructure


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-admin, sysadmin-main, sysadmin-releng

- Location::

-   Phoenix

- Servers::

-   arm01, arm02, arm03, arm04

- Purpose::

-   Information on working with the arm SOCs


- == Description


- We have 4 arm chassis in phx2, each containing 24 SOCs (System On Chip).


- Each chassis has 2 physical network connections going out from it. The

- first one is used for the management interface on each SOC. The second

- one is used for eth0 for each SOC.


- Current allocations (2016-03-11):


- arm01::

-   primary builders attached to koji.fedoraproject.org

- arm02::

-   primary arch builders attached to koji.fedoraproject.org

- arm03::

-   In cloud network, public qa/packager and copr instances

- arm04::

-   primary arch builders attached to koji.fedoraproject.org


- == Hardware Configuration


- Each SOC has:


- * eth0 and eth1 (unused) and a management interface.

- * 4 cores

- * 4GB ram

- * a 300GB disk


- SOCs are addressed by:


- ....

- arm{chassisnumber}-builder{number}.arm.fedoraproject.org

- ....


- Where chassisnumber is 01 to 04 and number is 00-23


- == PXE installs


- Kickstarts for the machines are in the kickstarts repo.


- PXE config is on noc01. (or cloud-noc01.cloud.fedoraproject.org for

- arm03)


- The kickstart installs the latests Fedora and sets them up with a base

- package set.


- == IPMI tool Management


- The SOCs are managed via their mgmt interfaces using a custom ipmitool

- as well as a custom python script called 'cxmanage'. The ipmitool

- changes have been submitted upstream and cxmanage is under review in

- Fedora.


- The ipmitool is currently installed on noc01 and it has ability to talk

- to them on their management interface. noc01 also serves dhcp and is a

- pxeboot server for the SOCs.


- However you will need to add it to your path:


- ....

- export PATH=$PATH:/opt/calxeda/bin/

- ....


- Some common commands:


- To set the SOC to boot the next time only with pxe:


- ....

- ipmitool -U admin -P thepassword -H arm03-builder11-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org chassis bootdev pxe

- ....


- To set the SOC power off:


- ....

- ipmitool -U admin -P thepassword -H arm03-builder11-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org power off

- ....


- To set the SOC power on:


- ....

- ipmitool -U admin -P thepassword -H arm03-builder11-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org power on

- ....


- To get a serial over lan console from the SOC:


- ....

- ipmitool -U admin -P thepassword -H arm03-builder11-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org -I lanplus sol activate

- ....


- == DISK mapping


- Each SOC has a disk. They are however mapped to the internal 00-23 in a

- non direct manner:


- [cols="1,1,1,1"]

- |===

- |HDD Bay |EnergyCard |SOC (Port 1) |SOC Num

- |0 |0 | 3 | 03

- |1 |0 | 0 | 00

- |2 |0 | 1 | 01

- |3 |0 | 2 | 02

- |4 |1 | 3 | 07

- |5 |1 | 0 | 04

- |6 |1 | 1 | 05

- |7 |1 | 2 | 06

- |8 |2 | 3 | 11

- |9 |2 | 0 | 08

- |10 |2 | 1 | 09

- |11 |2 | 2 | 10

- |12 |3 | 3 | 15

- |13 |3 | 0 | 12

- |14 |3 | 1 | 13

- |15 |3 | 2 | 14

- |16 |4 | 3 | 19

- |17 |4 | 0 | 16

- |18 |4 | 1 | 17

- |19 |4 | 2 | 18

- |20 |5 | 3 | 23

- |21 |5 | 0 | 20

- |22 |5 | 1 | 21

- |23 |5 | 2 | 22

- |===


- Looking at the system from the front, the bay numbering starts from left

- to right.


- == cxmanage


- The cxmanage tool can be used to update firmware or gather diag info.


- Until cxmanage is packaged, you can use it from a python virtualenv:


- ....

- virtualenv --system-site-packages cxmanage

- cd cxmanage

- source bin/activate

- pip install --extra-index-url=http://sources.calxeda.com/python/packages/ cxmanage

- <use cxmanage>

- deactivate

- ....


- Some cxmanage commands


- ....

- cxmanage sensor arm03-builder00-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org 

- Getting sensor readings...

- 1 successes  |  0 errors  |  0 nodes left  |  .  


- MP Temp 0

- arm03-builder00-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org: 34.00 degrees C

- Minimum         : 34.00 degrees C

- Maximum         : 34.00 degrees C

- Average         : 34.00 degrees C

- ... (and about 20 more sensors)...

- ....


- ....

- cxmanage info arm03-builder00-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org 

- Getting info...

- 1 successes  |  0 errors  |  0 nodes left  |  .  


- [ Info from arm03-builder00-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org ]

- Hardware version   : EnergyCard X04

- Firmware version   : ECX-1000-v2.1.5

- ECME version       : v0.10.2

- CDB version        : v0.10.2

- Stage2boot version : v1.1.3

- Bootlog version    : v0.10.2

- A9boot version     : v2012.10.16-3-g66a3bf3

- Uboot version      : v2013.01-rc1_cx_2013.01.17

- Ubootenv version   : v2013.01-rc1_cx_2013.01.17

- DTB version        : v3.7-4114-g34da2e2

- ....


- firmware update:


- ....

- cxmanage --internal-tftp --all-nodes fwupdate package ECX-1000_update-v2.1.5.tar.gz arm03-builder00-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org

- ....


- (note that this runs against the 00 management interface for the chassis

- and updates all the nodes), and that we must run a tftpserver on port

- 6969 for firewall handling.


- == Links


- http://sources.calxeda.com/python/packages/cxmanage/


- == Contacts


- help.desk@boston.co.uk is the contact to send repair requests to.

@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ 

- = Fedora Account System


- Notes about FAS and how to do things in it:


- * where are certs for fas accounts for koji, etc? on fas01

- `/var/lib/fedora-ca` - makefile targets allow you to do things with them.


- look in `index.txt` for certs. One's marked with an 'R' in the left-most

- column are 'REVOKED'


- to revoke a cert:


- ....

- cd /var/lib/fedora-ca

- ....


- find the cert number in `index.txt` - the number is the 3rd column in the

- file - you can match it to the user by searching for their username. You

- want the highest number cert for their account.


- once you have the number you would run (as root or fas):


- ....

- make revoke cert=newcerts/$that_number.pem

- ....


- == How to gather information about a user


- You'll want to have direct access to query the database for this. The

- common way is to have someone in _sysadmin-db_ ssh to the postgres db

- hosting FAS (currently _db01_). Then access it via ident auth on the box:


- ....

- sudo -u postgres psql fas2

- ....


- There are several tables that will have information about a user. Some

- of it is redundant but it's good to check all the sources there

- shouldn't be inconsistencies:


- ....

- select * from people where username = 'USERNAME';

- ....


- Of interest here are:


- id::

-   for later queries

- password_changed::

-   tells when the password was last changed

- last_seen::

-   last login to fas (including through jsonfas from other TG1/2 apps.

-   Maybe wiki and insight as well. Not fedorahosted trac, shell login,

-   etc)

- status_change::

-   last time that the user's status was updated via the website. Usually

-   triggered when the user was marked inactive for a mass password change

-   and then they reset their password.


- Next table is the log table:


- ....

- select * from log where author_id = ID_FROM_PREV_QUERY or description ~ '.*USERNAME.*';

- ....


- The FAS writes certain events to the log table. This will get those

- events. We use both the author_id field (who made the change) and the

- username in a description regex search because a few changes are made to

- users by admins. Fields of interest are pretty self explanatory here:


- changetime::

-   when the log was made

- description::

-   description of the event that's being logged


- [NOTE]

- ====

- FAS does not log every event that happens to a user. Only "important"

- ones. FAS also cannot record direct changes to the database here (for

- instance, when we mark accounts inactive administratively via the db).

- ====


- Lastly, there's the groups and person_roles table. When a user joins

- a group, the person_roles table is updated to reflect the user's status

- in the group, when they applied, and when they were approved:


- ....

- select groups.name, person_roles.* from person_roles, groups where person_id = ID_FROM_INITIAL_QUERY and groups.id = person_roles.group_id;

- ....


- This will give you the following fields to pay attention to:


- name::

-   Name of the group

- role_status::

-   If this is unapproved, it just means the user applied for it. If it is

-   approved, it means they are actually in the group.

- creation::

-   When the user applied to the group

- approval::

-   When the user was approved to be in the group

- role_type::

-   What role the person has or wants to have in the group

- sponsor_id::

-   If you suspect something is suspicious with one of the roles, you may

-   want to ask the sponsor if they remember sponsoring this person


- == Account Deletion and renaming


- [NOTE]

- ====

- See also <<accountdeletion.adoc#>> for information on how to disable, rename,

- and remove accounts.

- ====


- == Pseudo Users


- [NOTE]

- ====

- See also <<nonhumanaccounts.adoc#>> for information on creating pseudo user

- accounts for use in pkgdb/bugzilla

- ====


- == fas staging


- We have a staging fas db setup on `db-fas01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org` -

- it's accessed by `fas01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org`


- This system is not autopopulated by production fas - it must be done

- manually. To do this you must:


- * dump the fas2 db on `db-fas01.iad2.fedoraproject.org`:

- +

- ....

- sudo -u postgres pg_dump -C fas2 > fas2.dump

- scp fas2.dump db-fas01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org:/tmp

- ....

- * then on `fas01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org`:

- +

- ....

- /etc/init.d/httpd stop

- ....

- * then on `db02.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org`:

- +

- ....

- echo "drop database fas2\;" | sudo -u postgres psql ; cat fas2.dump | sudo -u postgres psql

- ....

- * then on `fas01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org`:

- +

- ....

- /etc/init.d/httpd start

- ....


- that should do it.

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ 

- = fedmsg-irc SOP


- ____

- Echo fedmsg bus activity to IRC.

- ____


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Messaging SIG, Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-apps, #fedora-fedmsg, #fedora-admin, #fedora-noc

- Servers::

-   value03

- Purpose::

-   Echo fedmsg bus activity to IRC


- == Description


- _fedmsg-irc_ is a daemon running on _value03_ and _value01.stg_. It is

- listening to the fedmsg bus and echoing that activity to the

- _#fedora-fedmsg_ channel in IRC.


- It can be configured to ignore certain messages, join certain rooms, and

- take on a different nick by editing the values in `/etc/fedmsg.d/irc.py`

- and restarting it with `sudo service fedmsg-irc restart`


- See https://fedmsg.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration/#irc for more

- information on configuration.

@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ 

- = FedMsg Notifications (FMN) SOP


- Route individualized notifications to fedora contributors over email,

- irc.


- == Contact Information


- === Owner


- * Messaging SIG

- * Fedora Infrastructure Team


- === Contact


- ____

- * #fedora-apps for FMN development

- * #fedora-admin for problems with the deployment of FMN

- * #fedora-noc for outage/crisis alerts

- ____


- === Servers


- Production servers:


- ____

- * notifs-backend01.iad2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

- * notifs-web01.iad2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

- * notifs-web02.iad2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

- ____


- Staging servers:


- ____

- * notifs-backend01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

- * notifs-web01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

- * notifs-web02.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org (RHEL 7)

- ____


- === Purpose


- Route notifications to users


- == Description


- fmn is a pair of systems intended to route fedmsg notifications to

- Fedora contributors and users.


- There is a web interface running on notifs-web01 and notifs-web02 that

- allows users to login and configure their preferences to select this or

- that type of message.


- There is a backend running on notifs-backend01 where most of the work is

- done.


- The backend process is a 'fedmsg-hub' daemon, controlled by systemd.


- == Hosts


- === notifs-backend


- This host runs:


- * `fedmsg-hub.service`

- * One or more `fmn-worker@.service`. Currently notifs-backend01 runs

- `fmn-worker@\{1-4}.service`

- * `fmn-backend@1.service`

- * `fmn-digests@1.service`

- * `rabbitmq-server.service`, an AMQP broker used to communicate between

- the services.

- * `redis.service`, used for caching.


- This host relies on a PostgreSQL database running on

- db01.phx2.fedoraproject.org.


- === notifs-web


- This host runs:


- * A Python WSGI application via Apache httpd that serves the

- https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications[FMN web user interface].


- This host relies on a PostgreSQL database running on

- db01.iad2.fedoraproject.org.


- == Deployment


- Once upstream releases a new version of

- https://github.com/fedora-infra/fmn[fmn],

- https://github.com/fedora-infra/fmn.web[fmn-web], or

- https://github.com/fedora-infra/fmn.sse[fmn-sse] creating a Git tag, a

- new version can be built an deployed into Fedora infrastructure.


- === Building


- FMN is packaged in Fedora and EPEL as

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fmn/[python-fmn]

- (the backend),

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fmn-web/[python-fmn-web]

- (the frontend), and the optional

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fmn-sse/[python-fmn-sse].


- Since all the hosts run RHEL 7, you need to build all these packages for

- EPEL 7.


- === Configuration


- If there are any configuration updates required by the new version of

- FMN, update the `notifs` Ansible roles on

- batcave01.iad2.fedoraproject.org. Remember to use:


- ....

- {% if env == 'staging' %}

-     <new config here>

- {% else %}

-     <retain old config>

- {% endif %}

- ....


- When deploying the update to staging. You can apply configuration

- updates to staging by running:


- ....

- $ sudo rbac-playbook -l staging groups/notifs-backend.yml

- $ sudo rbac-playbook -l staging groups/notifs-web.yml

- ....


- Simply drop the `-l staging` to update the production configuration.


- === Upgrading


- To upgrade the

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fmn/[python-fmn],

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fmn-web/[python-fmn-web],

- and

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fmn-sse/[python-fmn-sse]

- packages, apply configuration changes, and restart the services, you

- should use the manual upgrade playbook:


- ....

- $ sudo rbac-playbook -l staging manual/upgrade/fmn.yml

- ....


- Again, drop the `-l staging` flag to upgrade production.


- Be aware that the FMN services take a significant amount of time to

- start up as they pre-heat their caches before starting work.


- == Service Administration


- Disable an account (on notifs-backend01):


- ....

- $ sudo -u fedmsg /usr/local/bin/fmn-disable-account USERNAME

- ....


- Restart:


- ....

- $ sudo systemctl restart fedmsg-hub

- ....


- Watch logs:


- ....

- $ sudo journalctl -u fedmsg-hub -f

- ....


- Configuration:


- ....

- $ ls /etc/fedmsg.d/

- $ sudo fedmsg-config | less

- ....


- Upgrade (from batcave):


- ....

- $ sudo -i ansible-playbook /srv/web/infra/ansible/playbooks/manual/upgrade/fmn.yml

- ....


- == Mailing Lists


- We use FMN as a way to forward certain kinds of messages to mailing

- lists so people can read them the good old fashioned way that they like

- to. To accomplish this, we create 'bot' FAS accounts with their own FMN

- profiles and we set their email addresses to the lists in question.


- If you need to change the way some set of messages are forwarded, you

- can do it from the FMN web interface (if you are an FMN admin as defined

- in the config file in roles/notifs/frontend/). You can navigate to

- https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications/USERNAME.id.fedoraproject.org

- to do this.


- If the account exists as a FAS user already (for instance, the

- `virtmaint` user) but it does not yet exist in FMN, you can add it to

- the FMN database by logging in to notifs-backend01 and running

- `fmn-create-user --email DESTINATION@EMAIL.COM --create-defaults FAS_USERNAME`.

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ 

- = Jenkins Fedmsg SOP


- Send information about Jenkins builds to fedmsg.


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Ricky Elrod, Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-apps


- == Reinstalling when it disappears


- For an as-of-yet unknown reason, the plugin sometimes seems to

- disappear, though it still shows as "installed" on Jenkins.


- To re-install it, grab _fedmsg.hpi_ from

- _/srv/web/infra/bigfiles/jenkins_. Go to the Jenkins web

- interface and log in. Click _Manage Jenkins_ ->

- _Manage Plugins_ -> _Advanced_. Upload the

- plugin and on the page that comes up, check the box to have Jenkins

- restart when running jobs are finished.


- == Configuration Values


- These are written here in case the Jenkins configuration ever gets lost.

- This is how to configure the jenkins-fedmsg-emit plugin.


- Assume the plugin is already installed.


- Go to _Configure Jenkins_ -> _System Configuration_


- Towards the bottom, look for _Fedmsg Emitter_


- Values::

-   * Signing: Checked Fedmsg

-   * Endpoint: tcp:// Environment

-   * Shortname: prod

-   * Certificate File: /etc/pki/fedmsg/jenkins-jenkins.fedorainfracloud.org.crt

-   * Keystore File: /etc/pki/fedmsg/jenkins-jenkins.fedorainfracloud.org.key

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ 

- = Nuancier SOP


- Nuancier is the web application used by the design team and the

- community to submit and vote on the supplemental wallpapers provided

- with each version of Fedora.


- == Contents


- * <<_contact_information>>

- * <<_review_an_election>>

- * <<_vote_on_an_election>>

- * <<_view_all_the_candidates_of_an_election>>

- * <<_view_the_results_of_an_election>>

- * <<_miscellaneous>>


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-admin

- Location::

-   https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier

- Servers::

-   nuancier01, nuancier02, nuancier01.stg, nuancier02.stg

- Purpose::

-   Provide a system to submit and vote on supplemental wallpapers


- == Create a new election


- * Login

- * Go to the _Admin_ panel via the menu at the top

- * Click on _Create a new election_

- * Complete the form:

- +

- Election name::

-   A short name used in all the pages, most often since we have one

-   election per release it has been of the form _Fedora XX_

- Name of the folder containing the pictures::

-   This just links the election with the folder where the images will be

-   uploaded on disk. Keep it simple, safe, something like

-   _fXX_ will do.

- Year::

-   The year when the election will be happening, this will just give some

-   quick sorting option

- Submission start date (in UTC)::

-   The date from which the people will be able to submit wallpapers for

-   the election. The submission starts on the exact day at midnight UTC.

- Start date (in UTC)::

-   The date when the election starts (and thus the submissions end).

-   There is no buffer between when the submissions end and when the votes

-   start which means admins have to keep up with the submissions as they

-   are done.

- End date (in UTC)::

-   The date when the election ends. There are no embargo on the results,

-   they are available right after the election ends.

- URL to claim a badge for voting::

-   The URL at which someone can claim a badge. This URL is displayed on

-   the voting page as well as ones people have voted. Which means that

-   having the badge does not ensure people voted, at max it ensures

-   people visited nuancier during a voting phase.

- Number of votes an user can make::

-   The number of wallpapers an user can choose/vote on. This was made as

-   they was a debate in the design team if having everyone vote on all 16

-   wallpapers was a good idea or not.

- Number of candidate an user can upload::

-   Restricts the number of wallpapers an user can submit for an election

-   to prevent people from uploading tens of wallpapers in one election.


- == Review an election


- Admins must do that regularly during a submission phase to avoid

- candidates from piling up.


- * Login

- * Go to the _Admin_ panel via the menu at the top

- * Find the election of interest in the list and click on

- _Review_


- If the images are not showing, you can generate the thumbnails using the

- button _(Re-)generate cache_.


- On the review page, you will be able to filter the candidates by

- _Approved_, _Pending_, _Rejected_ or

- see them _All_ (default).


- You can then check the images one by one, select their checkbox and then

- either _Approve_ or _Deny_ all the ones you

- selected.


- [NOTE]

- ====

- Rejections must be motivated in the _Reason for rejection / Comments_

- input field. This motivation is then sent by email to the user

- explaining why a wallpaper they submitted was not accepted into the

- election.

- ====


- == Vote on an election


- Once an election is opened, a link announcing it will be available from

- the front page and in the page listing the elections

- (_Elections_ tab in the menu) a green check-mark will appear

- on the _Votes_ column while a red forbidden sign will appear

- on the _Submissions_ column.


- You can then click on the election name which will take you on the

- voting page.


- There, enlarge the image by clicking on them and make your choice by

- clicking on the bottom right corner of the image.


- On the column on the right the total number of vote available will

- appear. If you need to change remove a wallpaper from your selection,

- simply click on it in the right column.


- As long as you have not picked the maximum number of candidates allowed,

- you can cast your vote multiple times (but not on the same candidates of

- course).


- == View all the candidates of an election


- All the candidates of an election are only accessible once the election

- is over. If you wish to see all the images uploaded, simply go to the

- _Elections_ tab and click on the election name.


- == View the results of an election


- The results of an election are accessible immediately after the end of

- it. To see them, simply click the _Results_ tab in the menu.


- There you can click on the name of the election to see the wallpaper

- ordered by their number of votes or on _stats_ to view some

- stats about the election (such as the number of participants, the number

- of voters, votes or the evolution of the votes over time).


- == Miscellaneous


- Nuancier uses a gluster volume shared between the two hosts (in prod and

- in stg) where are stored the images, making sure they are available to

- both frontends. This may make things a little trickier sometime, be

- aware of it.

@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ 

- = simple-koji-ci


- _simple-koji-ci_ is a small service running in our infra cloud that

- listens for fedmsg messages coming from pagure on dist-git about new

- pull-requests. It then creates a SRPM based on the content of each

- pull-request, kicks off a scratch build in koji and reports the outcome

- of that build on the pull-request.


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps

- Persons::

-   pingou

- Location::

-   the cloud ☁

- Servers::

-   * simple-koji-ci-dev.fedorainfracloud.org

-   * simple-koji-ci-prod.fedorainfracloud.org

- Purpose::

-   Performs scratch builds for pull-request opened on dist-git


- == Hosts


- The current deployment is made in a single host:


- * `simple-koji-ci-prod.fedorainfracloud.org` for prod

- * `simple-koji-ci-dev.fedorainfracloud.org` for stagging


- == Service


- _simple-koji-ci_ is a fedmsg-based service, so it can be turned on or off

- via the `fedmsg-hub` service.


- It interacts with koji via a keytab created by the `keytab/service` role

- in ansible.


- The configuration of the service (including the weight of the builds

- kicked off in koji) is located at `/etc/fedmsg.d/simple_koji_ci.py`.


- One can monitor the service using: `journalctl -lfu fedmsg-hub`.


- == Impact


- This service is purely informative, nothing does nor should rely on it.

- If anything goes wrong, there are no consequences for stopping it.

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- = Tag2DistRepo Infrastructure SOP


- == Contents


- * <<_contact_information>>

- * <<_description>>

- * <<_configuration>>


- == Contact Information


- Owner::

-   Fedora Infrastructure Team

- Contact::

-   #fedora-admin

- Primary upstream contact::

-   Patrick Uiterwijk - FAS: puiterwijk

- Servers::

-   bodhi-backend02.iad2.fedoraproject.org

- Purpose::

-   Tag2DistRepo is a Fedmsg Consumer that waits for tag operations in

-   specific tags, and then instructs Koji to create Distro Repos.


- == Description


- Tag2DistRepo is a Fedmsg Consumer that waits for tag operations in

- specific tags, and then instructs Koji to create Distro Repos.


- == Configuration


- Configuration is handled by the `bodhi-backend.yaml` playbook in Ansible.

- This can also be used to reconfigure application, if that becomes

- nessecary.

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ 

- = Virtio Notes


- We have found that virtio is faster/more stable than emulating other

- cards on our VMs.


- To switch a VM to virtio:


- * Remove from DNS if it's a proxy

- * Log into the vm and shut it down

- * Log into the virthost that the VM is on, and

- `sudo virsh edit <VM FQDN>`

- * Add this line to the appropriate bridge interface(s):

- +

- ....

- <model type='virtio'/>

- ....

- * Save/quit the editor

- * `sudo virsh start <VM FQDN>`

- * Re-add to DNS if it's a proxy