#166 Invite AntiSpamMeta to Fedora channels
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by nb.

I would like to suggest we invite AntiSpamMeta to our channels. It basically keeps track of what channels people are in, and how many times/when/where from people were kicked/banned/quieted/etc so that ops can tell if a user has been a problem in other channels in the past.

Basically the bot would just quietly observe, and would only respond if someone with flags on the bot asks it to respond about kick/ban/remove/kline stats for a user.

http://antispammeta.net/syntax.txt for more info on the bot's commands

I'll be heading off for Texas on Wed. the 12th of Feb. and won't be back until Mar. Thurs. 20th so I won't get to comment on this suggestion at the meeting. So, I'll say something here. I'm all for the addition of the AntiSpamMeta bot to Fedora IRC sig channels, perhaps more will follow. This bot is a very useful tool for fighting spam and for troll detection. So my vote would be +1 for adding the bot to the channels.

#166 Invite AntiSpamMeta to Fedora channels (nirik, 18:06:44)

https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/166 (nirik, 18:07:05)
AGREED: will add asm and check back in 30 days. (nirik, 18:08:56)

Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-02-13/irc-support-sig.2014-02-13-18.00.html
Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-02-13/irc-support-sig.2014-02-13-18.00.log.html

I guess we are over due for checking back on this tool's usefulness.

We checked back a while ago. Some of us found it not very useful, others thought it was somewhat of use, we decided to just leave it around since it's not being too disruptive.

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